sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Seguimos avanzando - We are making progress

1 comentario:

  1. Great progress, my friend! It's looking really good. It's so funny to see your progress because a lot of the areas we're working on are the same. You have a lot more done in some areas, and I have more done in others. You're definitely still ahead of me since I haven't really done anything yet with under the sea stuff, except for the tiger fish that I was telling you about earlier. I placed all the balloons in place last night and they are about 95% complete. I am working on more of the rocks and grass below the house. Should soon be able to connect that to the tiger which will be cool.

    I haven't even started on the moon, but I think that will be one of my next tackles...either that or some of the fish. I'm anxious to try the big, ugly dude (lion fish). LOL

    Great progress though!
