jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

A Horse With No Name - Un Caballo Sin Nombre

Aunque hoy fue Primero de Mayo igual trabajé. Así es. No hay descanso para el rompecabecero frenético. Trabajé en el caballo y en esas dos cosas rosadas que no recuerdo como se llaman. Bueno, la foto los muestra. Hice un poco del canguro también que aún no muestra la cara. 

Even though today May 1st was Labor Day I still worked. Yep, there's no rest for the frantic puzzler. I worked on the horse and those two pink things I can't recall right now. Well, the picture shows them. Did a little of the kangaroo who still doesn´t show his face. 

3 comentarios:

  1. You are still way ahead of me...LOL Good work on the horse...I have yet to put him together. He was being a bit of a pain when I first tried so I decided to set him aside and work on something else for a while. The two things that you can't recall the name for are Pink Flamingos. I haven't attempted them yet either, even though I do have the pieces laid out for it.

    Last night after Derek went to bed, I was able to do the moon and put it into place. I also did a good chunk of the beach water line underneath the tiger's tail. Then this morning before he got up I started working on the eagle. Once I finish the eagle I will move on to the "big, ugly dude" and knock him out. Hopefully in the process of that I will also be able to put together a few of the more colorful fish as well.

    I don't know ifyou would agree, but so far this section has been a whole lot easier than the first. I don't know if it's just because we're now more familiar with the colors and textures as well as the pattern of how the pieces go into the puzzle, or if it's because it's just flat out a lot easier to begin with. Regardless, I don't think it will take me as long to finish this section as it did the first....if I can get most of it knocked out before baby #2 makes his appearance, life will be good. LOL

    Hope you had a good puzzling day yesterday...looks like you made a lot of progress.


  2. Hi there....haven't heard from you in a few days so figured I would check in and see how you were doing. I made more progress over the weekend. Got big, ugly dude mostly finished and a good start on the bald eagle. Also got most of the clownfish on the left border done, and started on a few of the others elsewhere.

    Have you been working on it this weekend or maybe just out of town and busy?


  3. Missing my friend Charly's updates. I hope you are okay, and things are starting to get better for you. Just rememeber I'm here if you need a friend to talk with.

