viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

Sorting out the pieces - Ordenando las piezas

Aquí vamos de nuevo. Esta vez algo más organizados. Here we go again, this time a little more organized.

1 comentario:

  1. Wow! You've got pieces everywhere. LOL The white boards that you're assembling on this time, is that poster board or something thicker?

    Have you pulled the border pieces already? Looks like you were able to find section 2...I thought in one of your pictures I saw a piece of the good job finding it.

    The border on this one is much easier since it's only the top and bottom (no left or right side border).

    I'm hoping to have mine first section completely contacted papered by tonight so that I can really start getting into section 2. I have hardly done anything on the section since I needed to deal with removing section 1 first. In fact, I've neglected Section 2 so much that the top border is still sitting on the floor where it fell several days ago while I was trying to put the poster board "blanket" together....I was frustrated that it slid off so easily and said to the pieces, "Fine! You just stay there for a while and think about what you did! HAH!" :o)
