martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Time to bring you an update on wildlife - Hora de ponernos al día con la vida silvestre

A happy elephant, probably never worked in a circus - Un elefante feliz, probablemente nunca trabajó en un circo.

This looks nice - Esto se ve bonito.

A monkey grinning, like saying "you ain't never gonna finish this" and waving his hand - Un mono riéndose como diciendo: "Nunca vas a terminar esto" y saludando.

A koala desperately trying to strangle his mortal enemy, The Giraffe, and failing miserably while unsuspecting witnesses look down from a balloon at a great distance foolishly misenterpretating the killer maneuver with what they think is an innocent hug between old friends - Un koala tratando desesperadamente de estrangular a su enemigo mortal, La Jirafa, y fracasando miserablemente mientras testigos que no sospechan nada miran desde un globo y muy lejos tontamente malinterpretando la asesina maniobra con lo que creen es un inocente  abrazo entre viejos amigos. 

A close up at the mad twisted, sick killer koala - Un acercamiento al desquiciado koala asesino.

A wrinkled rhino - Un rinoceronte con muchas arrugas

It's easy to work on the middle section putting the fish out of the way first - Es más fácil trabajar en la sección de la mitad sacando primero a los peces del camino.

What a cute little duck or something. That's a duck, right? - Que pato más simpático. Es un pato, ¿cierto?

Oh, now, would you look at that. A little penguin leaning against his mom's tummy. Gotta find that piece that makes this little fellow look sort of crippled - ¡Oh, pero miren esto! Un pequeño pingüino apoyándose contra la güatita de su mamá. Tengo que encontrar esa pieza que falta y que hace ver al pingüinito algo así como inválido.

An aerial view of what some consider to be the irrefutable proof of my madness. I wonder what my shrink's say would be on this. I haven't told him about it!  - Una visión aérea de lo que algunos consideran ser una prueba irrefutable de mi locura. Me pregunto qué diría mi siquiatra si supiera que estoy haciendo esto. ¡No le he contado! 

A cheetah coming into form, missing a head - Un guepardo cobrando vida, pero aún sin cabeza.

I wish I knew the name of this sea monster - Ojalá supiera como se llama este monstruo marino.

Now what the &%$! is this? - Que &%$! es esto?

4 comentarios:

  1. Ha ha ha! Your blog made me laugh this morning...thanks! Love the comments about the killer koala bear. Too funny. I think he's holding on for dear life so as not to fall in the mess of koala eating animals below. LOL

    To answer some of your questions, I believe the white bird in the water is not a duck, but rather a swan. Also, the "what the $!@& is this?" animal is actually a kangeroo, but up close like you have it, I don't recall her nose looking so funny, but I guess it does on mine too. Will have to look at that when I go back down to the basement later.

    Looks like you're progressing really well though. Lots of progress made since your last post. Do you work on it a lot?

    I can't believe I am less than 100 pieces from finishing the section, but man those last 100 or so are killing me! It all looks so much alike that it's really hard to tell what goes where. Grrr....definitely rethinking my strategy for approaching section 2....get the hard parts out of the way FIRST so that I'm not left with this mess at the end. LOL

    Have a good day Charly, and I'm sure I will talk to you again soon.


    1. Try to go now based on shape rather than color. Answering your inquiries: I work on the puzzle everyday at least 2 hours. Sometimes I just pass by it, spot a piece and bingo, I know exactly where it goes. I have put pieces in the morning even before taking a shower. So, in total, it's probably more than two hours. Last night, before going to sleep, and in bed already, I got up, went to the darn puzzle (and I'm saying "darn" in the most affectionate way imaginable) and somehow spotted two pìeces that went on the upper right side, you know, where that big bird is passing by and that has a balloon behind it. Sometimes, when I'm mystically enthralled and like possessed by what I think is a sort or magical puzzle power I got no idea where it comes from, I'm even able to put 5 pieces in a row. Then there are times when more than ten minutes can pass by and I make no progress. Whichever the case I try to put at least 50 pieces each day. I really haven't counted how many pieces I put in one day, but after I'm done I'm gonna calculate the average per day. I can't way to finish, though.

    2. That's great that you're able to work on the puzzle every day for that long. It will really help with getting it all finished. Beware the bluish black stuff between the water line and the start of the clownfish. It is a big pain! LOL

      Yeah, some days you just get on a roll and you're able to knock out a lot. I've had days recently when the clownfish were more than 50% complete that I was able to knock out 50 pieces in an hour and a half or so. It just came together really well, but those days, unfortunately are over! LOL The little blueish black pieces are mocking me, I tell you! They know that theyr'e all that's left and they're using it to their advantage. LOL

      So, once you finish this section, are you planning to immediately move on to the next section? I think I will as soon as I figure out the best way to move Section 1 off the board or if I can handle trying to do it over top of the other one. I just have a feeling that will drive my eyes insane so it's not the most likely solution for me.

      When you started Section 1, how did you first go about it? Did you sort out the border pieces first or begin sorting by color / texture and shape? For me (there's lengthy blog entries about this if you want to read it), I started by sorting into big buckets, but then I had to go back and refine each bucket multiple times. I started with the border like I always do, and then just started tackling the hot air balloons because they were pretty easy to distinguish one from another for the most part.

      Can you imagine the people who combined all the pieces together before starting? They really are nuts! I like the idea of doing it that way, but I know that would totally discourage me from getting it done as it would just be too overwhelming I think. Plus, even though I have a room dedicating to the puzzle, it's not big enough to put the whole thing up at once. I admire those who have successfully combined and then tackled it, but there's no way I could have done that.

  2. Oh and isn't the Walrus (the sea monster) cute?
