martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Día del Tigre - Day of the Tiger

Hoy armé el tigre en la mañana. No fue muy difícil. pero lo mejor fue que lo pude juntar con una de las zebras (hay dos en el puzzle). De hecho las zebras fueron los primeros animales que empecé por armar. Evidentemente, fue fácil encontrar las piezas indistintamente negras y blancas, y el ensamblaje no fue tan difícil.

Today I started assembling the tiger. It wasn´t that hard. What was great, though, was that I was able to join the tiger with one of the zebras (there are two in the puzzle) In fact, the zebras were the first thing I started to put together. As you can imagine, it was easy to find the easily distinguishable black and white pieces, and putting the zebras together was not that hard either.  

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I just saw your blog for the first time. I am also completing the Life puzzle and have a blog of my own if you would like to check it out. I started blogging the day I ordered the puzzle, and there are some posts about me ANXIOUSLY awaiting it's arrival. LOL I am almost done with the first section. I just have the remainder of the clownfish and just below the water line left to complete. I laughed about your hiding giraffes and how you thought the zebras were easy. I had a hard time with the zebras. Not always easy to tell which zebra a particular piece went to, but for some reason I found the giraffes to be very easy. Anyway, here's a link. I would love to see you taking a peek and "following" my blog if you like it. Thanks for sharing yours and good luck with it!


    1. Hi! You're the first person to post anything here. It's fantastic to see I'm not the only one in the world tackling this challenge. I know there must be more, but it's kinda hard finding them. I'm gonna check your blog, definitely. It's cool to find people sharing the same creative outlet. I hope to finish the first section soon (two weeks, depending on work), and I agree with you, the clownfish were a nightmare as you mentioned in your blog. The balloons were quite easy. I think they are the easiest part of this section. Well, we'll keep in touch and hopefully someday we'll share a picture of our finished endeavour.

      Greetings from Santiago, Chile.

    2. That's cool. I'm sure others will when they find it. Yeah, it's hard to get people to know about your blog on the internet. I'm not sure how to make it more visible so others can find it. I'm very glad that I'm getting closer to being done with the clownfish. They have been a real pain. I don't know if you saw the post I did today, but I think I may have gotten my first missing piece....I sure can't find it anywhere in the rest of the pieces that are left. I was actually looking at your pictures of the same area just to make sure there wasn't some weird looking color thrown in the piece I'm missing, but there's's solid orange, and none of the solid orange pieces I have left fit unfortunately.

      Anyway, I look forward to seeing more of your blog and you reviewing mine.

      For some reason it didn't let me follow your blog. Not sure why, but there was no button to push to follow it so I guess I will just have to remember to go look at it periodically.

      Happy puzzling!

      I thought the animals were the easiest part of the whole section (other than the two as each was fairly easy to tell one animal from the next when sorting which is definitely the key to easier puzzling...or at least I think it is anyway.

