domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

First pictures of complete puzzle - Primeras fotos del puzzle completo

Sábado 4 de Enero de 2014 - Primera vez que contemplo el puzzle armado en su totalidad. El lugar elegido par mostrar el puzzle fue en el primer piso del edificio donde vivo justo a la salida de los ascensores.    

Saturday January 4th, 2014.  Fisrt time I contemplate puzzle completed in its totality. The place I chose to show the puzzle was the first floor of the building where I live, right in front of the elevators.  

4 comentarios:

  1. Wow! Looks amazing. How did you mount it? Is it attached to foam board? Did you glue the front at all or use contact paper? How easy / difficult was it to link each section together? Did they fit properly? Lots of questions!


    1. It's not glued, not yet. It is resting on top of 2 pieces of some sort of wood. I got no idea what's the technicl name in English, but it's some sort of wood, that'a all I know. I'm no handyman and my vocabulary in terms of stuff to build stuff with is close to cero!!! Sorry about that. The puzzle was then divided in 12 and put aside until I find the final resting place for it. What you see is just the exhibit, not the final product.

  2. Ahh, okay. So you're not going to hang / display it permanently in the lobby of your building? Looks like a lot of people wanted to take pictures with it. That's very cool. I'm sure it must have been fun to see all those people admiring your handiwork.

  3. Pero has juntado las bolsas? es decir me interesa saber si has hecho un puzzle de 24000 o 4 puzzles de 6000... Las dos cosas tienen merito, pero es una pena tener un puzzle de estas características y hacerlo por bolsas....Por otro lado, te has encontrado con diferencias de color entre las planchas? has utilizado algun truco? formas de fichas por planchas o algo asi?
